Sodium tripolyphosphate can improve the taste of chicken

Sodium tripolyphosphate can improve the taste of chicken

Optimize Chicken Texture: Multi-Effect of Food-Grade Sodium Tripolyphosphate


The dryness of chicken, poor taste, and low production rate have always been significant challenges in chicken processing. This article explores the various functions of food-grade Sodium Tripolyphosphate in chicken processing, analyzing its effects on meat products in simple language and clear structure.

The Complex Form of Chicken Moisture

Water in chicken exists in three forms: combined water, difficult-flowing water, and free water. Chicken texture issues are often influenced by factors such as pH value, spatial effect, heating, and lipid oxidation. Water retention is directly related to production rate, juiciness, and profitability, making it a crucial criterion for evaluating meat products.

Multi-Effect of Phosphate

In meat processing, phosphates offer various beneficial effects, such as improving meat adhesion, enhancing sliced performance, increasing water retention, and reducing meat loss. Food-grade Sodium Tripolyphosphate can be used alone or with sodium phosphate and sodium polyphosphate.

Food-Grade Sodium Tripolyphosphate’s Multi-Faceted Adjustment

Theoretically, food-grade Sodium Tripolyphosphate affects meat products through:
  1. Improving pH Value of Meat: The pH of mature meat is around 5.7, close to the protein’s isoelectric point, resulting in poor water retention. Sodium tripolyphosphate solution ranges between 9.5 and 9.8, improving the pH of raw meat.
  2. Chelating Metal Ions: Sodium tripolyphosphate binds with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in muscle proteins, increasing negative charges, loosening protein structure, and promoting saline infiltration and diffusion.
  3. Increasing Meat Strength: Sodium Tripolyphosphate, with its multi-charged anionic ions, shows higher ion strength at low concentrations, aiding in muscle fibrin dissolution.
  4. Unlocking Muscle Protein: Low-polymerized phosphates act like adenosine triphosphate, breaking down muscle proteins into myosin and muscle globulin, improving water retention and meat tenderness.

Processing Plans for Different Chicken Parts

To ensure water retention, different plans are used for chicken breasts and legs:
  • Chicken Breast Solution:

    • Sodium phosphate: 21.8%
    • Sodium tripolyphosphate: 45.6%
    • Sodium polyphosphate: 32.6%
    • Add: 0.3%
  • Chicken Leg Solution:

    • Sodium phosphate: Sodium tripolyphosphate: Sodium polyphosphate = 2:2:1
    • Add: 0.3%


Food-grade Sodium Tripolyphosphate effectively improves chicken texture and water retention through various regulatory effects, providing reliable support for chicken processing. Reasonable use of these additives enhances product taste, increases production rate and profit, and offers new development opportunities for the chicken processing industry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP)?

    • STPP is a food-grade additive used to improve water retention and quality in meat products.
  2. How does STPP improve chicken texture?

    • STPP adjusts pH levels, chelates metal ions, increases meat strength, and breaks down muscle proteins, enhancing texture and water retention.
  3. What are the benefits of using STPP in chicken processing?

    • STPP improves meat adhesion, sliced performance, water retention, and reduces meat loss, resulting in better taste and higher production rates.
  4. How should STPP be used in different chicken parts?

    • Different formulas are used for chicken breasts and legs, with specific ratios of sodium phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, and sodium polyphosphate.
  5. Is STPP safe for use in food?

    • Yes, when used according to industry standards, STPP is safe and effective in improving meat product quality.

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