Why don’t some foods not use Sodium Hexametaphosphate?

hy don't some foods not use Sodium Hexametaphosphate

In contemporary daily life, food-grade Sodium Hexametaphosphate is a common additive, which can be found in many foods purchased in supermarkets and e-commerce platforms. The main purpose of adding food-grade Sodium Hexametaphosphate is to inhibit the growth of microorganisms in food to prevent food corruption and extend its shelf life. However, the use of Sodium Hexametaphosphate needs to follow relevant national regulations, and it must be not too much or too little.

Take a closer look at the food-grade Sodium Hexametaphosphate.

Microorganisms include beneficial and harmful categories, which are widely distributed in food, medicine, industry, agriculture, environmental protection, sports, and other fields. If the microorganisms in food meet federal standards, it is harmless to the human body, but if it is used, it will hurt human health. Conversely, if too little use, food may deteriorate before reaching the shelf life, which may lead to poisoning or harm to the body.

In food production, processing, transportation, and storage, microbial pollution is not difficult to occur. Once the food is connected with microorganisms, these microorganisms will cause food to gradually rot and shorten their shelf life.

National law allows the use of food additives during food production and processing, provided that it must abide by applicable strict regulations to ensure that the public can eat these foods with peace of mind and safely. There are many kinds of food additives for the market to choose from, such as Sodium Hexametaphosphate, sodium trimer, and sodium scorpionfish, which can be used or compounded alone.

Sodium hexametaphosphate is a commonly used food additive to improve food quality. It can be used in foods such as meat products, fish intestines, ham, etc. to improve water retention, and interest and prevent fat oxidation. Using it in bean sauce and soy sauce can prevent discoloration, increase viscosity, shorten fermentation time, and adjust the taste.

Sodium hexametaphosphate can also be utilized for fruit drinks and cool drinks, which helps increase juice rate, increase viscosity, and prevent vitamin C decomposition. It is also in ice cream to improve the ability to expand, increase volume, enhance emulsification, prevent body separation, and improve taste and color.

SHMP can also be used for dairy products and beverages to prevent the gel from precipitation. Using it in beer can clarify wine to prevent turbidity. It can also be used for canned beans and fruit and vegetables to stabilize organic pigments and maintain the color of food.

Spraying sodium hexametaphosphate aqueous solution can improve anticorrosive performance on marinated meat. The amount of usage is generally 0.3-0.5%, 0.9% can be used in cheese, 0.3% can be used in meat products, 0.5% can be used for milk powder, cream powder, frozen fish and shrimp, and 0.2% can be used for refining milk and drinks.

The application of food-grade SHMP aims to guarantee food quality and prevent food deterioration during transportation and storage. In everyday life, it is important to buy food from regular brands. At the same time, food manufacturers must also strictly follow the standards of food additives to ensure that consumers can eat with confidence.

When buying Sodium Hexametaphosphate as a food additive, you must choose food-grade phosphoric acid and soda for foods produced by heat technology to ensure that it meet food safety standards.

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